特邀报告人:王正兵,荷兰TUDelft教授 Speaker:Wang Zhengbing, Chair Morphodynamics of Estuaries and Lagoons at Delft University of Technology, and Leading Scientist in the field Morphodynamics at Deltares 
题目:河口与潟湖动力地貌过程数值模拟 Title:Modelling of Morphodynamic Processes in Estuaries and Tidal Lagoons 时间:2015年5月30日 9:30-10:00 Time:May 30th 2015 9:30 am -10:00 am 摘要 河口、潟湖等潮汐盆地对于整个生态 系统非常重要,而且它们常位于人口稠密 地区,其地貌变化很容易受到周边人类活 动的影响。这些人类活动包括疏浚作业、 防洪工程、采矿活动,岸线管理(填海造 地与开挖)、上游流域的大坝建设(改变 流量及输沙量)以及相邻海岸的填海与海 岸保护工程等。此外,它们还受到全球海 平面升高以及气候变化的影响。为了对潮 汐盆地、上游河流及邻近海岸进行综合管 理,亟需全面分析在全球变化及人类活动 干扰下其未来地貌的演变。因此动力地貌 模拟对于水系统的决策支撑十分重要。在 这次报告中,介绍了现有潮汐盆地动力地 貌过程模型的现状和发展趋势,分别讨论 了基于过程的模型以及半经验模型,并尝 试建立两者之间的联系。 Abstract Tidal basins such as estuaries and tidal lagoons are important ecosystems and are often located in densely populated areas. The morphodynamic development of a tidal basin is influenced by human activities, not only those within the tidal basin itself but also those in the upstream river and in the adjacent coastal areas. Human activities include engineering works and dredging activities for improving and maintaining the navigation channels, engineering works for flood protection, mining activities, and shoreline management activities including land reclamations and setbacks. Most relevant human activities in the upstream river basin are the constructions of dams changing the flow and sediment transport regimes of the river. Important human interventions along the adjacent coasts of tidal basins are land reclamations and coastal protection works. Furthermore, tidal basins are influenced by global changes through sea-level rise and changing weather patterns. Insights into the future morphodynamic developments under influence of global changes and human interferences are needed for the integrated management of tidal basins, their upstream rivers and adjacent coasts. Morphodynamic modelling is thus important for supporting management of the water systems. In this paper the recent and future developments of morphodynamic modelling for tidal basins are discussed. The process-based and semi-empirical models are discussed separately and an attempt will be made to make a link between them. |