特邀报告人:胡维忠,长江委勘测规划设计研究院 总工 Speaker:Niu Xinqiang, Academicians of Chinese Academy of Engineering 题目:洞庭湖水安全与可持续发展 Title:Water Security and Sustainable Development of the Dongting Lake in China 时间:2015年5月30日 9:00-9:30 Time:May 30th 2015 9:00 am -9:30 am 摘要 洞庭湖是中国第二大淡水湖。报告简 介了洞庭湖的重要地位、江湖关系新变 化、长江经济带和洞庭湖生态经济区建设 对洞庭湖治理新要求;针对洞庭湖治理开 发与保护中的突出问题,提出了保障洞庭 湖水安全的基本思路,以水资源可持续利 用促进经济社会与生态环境保护协调发 展。阐述了建设“洞庭湖大水脉”的必要 性,介绍了其建设理念、功能定位;遵循 “江湖和谐、生态文明”的基本原则,从 提高洞庭湖水资源承载能力和水环境承载 能力、打造湖区黄金水道的要求出发,提 出了构建“一环三纵三横”的洞庭湖大水 脉建设方案,分析了其在防洪、灌溉、供 水、航运、生态等方面的重要作用。 Abstract The Dongting Lake is the second largest freshwater lake in China. In this paper, the author gives an overview on the importance of the Lake, changes in the dynamics between the Lake and the Yangtze River, new requirements of the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt and the Dongting Lake Ecological and Economic Development Zone on the governance of the Lake. Considering the major problems in the development and protection of the Dongting Lake, the author proposes some basic ideas to protect water safety and to promote coordinated economic, social, ecological and environmental development by achieving sustainable utilization of water resources. Then he discusses why it is necessary to develop "the Great Dongting Lake Water System" and how to achieve the target. According to the principle of "Harmony between the Lake and the River, and Ecological Progress", it is important to improve the carrying capacity of water resources and water environment, and to build a golden waterway in the Lake area. The author develops a plan to build “the Great Dongting Lake Water System” of one loop, three vertical and three horizontal waterways and analyzes its important role in flood control, irrigation, water supply, navigation and ecological development. |