特邀报告人:王超,中国工程院院士 Speaker:Wang Chao, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering 题目:湖泊蓝藻水华暴发机理与工程治理实践 Title:Cyanobacetria Bloom-forming Mechanism in Lakes and Engineering Management Practice 时间:2015年5月29日 16:45-17:15 Time:May 29th 2015 16:45 pm -17:15 pm 摘要 以太湖、巢湖、滇池为例,介绍了 我国主要湖泊富营养化的状态,分析了 典型湖泊蓝藻水华的历史发展过程、现 阶段富营养化状况及发展趋势。从破坏 水体生态系统的平衡、危害人类及其它 动物的健康、影响供水水质和危害饮水 安全、破坏水域生态景观等方面阐述了 蓝藻水华的生态危害以及水华危害表现 出的特点。从蓝藻特殊生理特征利于其 成为优势种、过量的氮磷营养盐输入造 成富营养化、适宜的温度和光照等自然 条件、缓慢的水流流态,水体交换周期 长、铁、钼、硅等微量元素比较适度等 方面探讨了蓝藻水华的暴发机理。论述 了湖泊富营养化与蓝藻治理的总体思 路,介绍了以源头控污减排技术、湖体 水质改善技术、物理化学除藻技术、生 物生态控藻技术等为核心的蓝藻水华综 合控制技术体系。 Abstract Base on the case studies of the Taihu Lake, the Chaohu Lake and the Dianchi Lake, the historical progress, current situation of eutrophication and development trend of Cyanobacetria bloom in typical lakes of China are analyzed. The characteristic of Cyanobacetria bloom's ecological damage is expounded in aspects of the destruction of water ecological system balance, risks on human health and other animals, impacts on water supply and water quality, damage on watershed ecological landscape. Cyanobacetria Bloom-forming mechanism is discussed in view of the following points: the specific physiological characteristics of cyanobacteria bloom lead it to become the dominant species; the excessive input of nitrogen and phosphorus cause eutrophication; suitable natural conditions including temperature and illumination; slow flow regime; long cycle of water exchange; iron, molybdenum, silicon and other microelements are moderate in lakes. Overall, the general idea of lake eutrophication and Cyanobacetria bloom management is discussed, and the comprehensive control technical system, mainly including source control of pollution reduction technology, water quality improvement technology, physical-chemical algae removal technology, biological and ecological algae control technology, is introduced in this report. |