特邀报告人:爱德华·萨迪克,加拿大工程院院士、皇家科学院院士 Speaker:Edward Sudicky, Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering and Member of the Royal Canadian College, Canada 题目:地下水地表水综合模拟—应用与展望 Title:Integrated Surface/Subsurface Hydrologic Simulation: Perspectives, Applications & Future Directions 时间:2015年5月29日 16:15-16:45 Time:May 29th 2015 16:15 pm -16:45 pm 摘要 科学界已经广泛接受气候变化和未 来气候将对水资源质和量产生巨大影 响。由于地下水流模式的改变造成的河 流基流变化, 土壤湿度变化和地下水 位、湖泊和沼泽地的水位波动,及地下 水补给及排出模式的变化,都是未来气 候变化可能造成的影响。本次报告将简 要介绍HydroGeoSphere模型,其能够明 确解释水、溶质和地表地下水流体系的 热传导,也可解释气温、太阳辐射和潜 热和感热通量这些大气输入。一个并行 计算框架使得模型能在高性能的计算环 境中运行,其适用性已通过多个不同时 间和空间尺度的问题进行了验证。以安 大略省南部到加拿大西部约12万km2的区 域为例,开展了气候驱动的3D流域尺度 模拟研究,探索了全球气候变化对加拿 大的地表水和地下水资源的影响。 Abstract It is now generally accepted within the scientific community that the climate is changing, and that future climate change may have significant impact on water resources in both quantity and quality. Alterations of base flow to rivers due to changing subsurface flow patterns, fluctuations in soil moisture and in the depth of the groundwater table, water levels in lakes and wetlands, and altered groundwater recharge/discharge patterns are examples of possible consequences of future climate change. In this presentation, our physically-based model, HydroGeoSphere, is first briefly described. The model can explicitly account for the hydrologic, solute and thermal interactions between surface and subsurface flow regimes as well as the atmospheric inputs in terms of air temperature, solar radiation and sensible/latent heat fluxes. The applicability of the model is demonstrated for a variety of problems over various temporal and spatial scales. The climate-driven 3D basin-scale examples range from that of a highly characterized watershed in Southern Ontario having an area of about 7000 km2 to a large basin in Western Canada that covers an area of about 120,000 km2 and includes Canada’s oil sands region. The continental scale simulations explore the impacts of global climate change on Canada’s surface and groundwater resources. |