特邀报告人:马塞尔斯蒂夫,荷兰工程院院士 Speaker:Marcel Stive, Member of Royal Dutch Institution of Engineers, the Netherlands 题目:莱茵-默兹河、湄公河和伊洛瓦底河三角洲等河口海岸空间挤压问题 Title:Coastal and Estuarine Squeeze in the Rhine-Meuse, Mekong and Ayeyarwady Deltas 时间:2015年5月29日 15:30-16:00 Time:May 29th 2015 15:30 pm -16:00 pm 摘要 河口海岸空间挤压主要是指海平面上 升和人类活动对于现有红树林和滩涂生境的 威胁,这是一个当前需要高度重视的全球性 问题。对于河口海岸而言,天然沙丘、盐沼 和红树林形成开敞水域和陆地之间的过渡生 态系统。这些生态系统要求有一定的最小宽 度,因为当外界条件受到干扰时,需要有一 定的空间来满足生态系统的迁移变化和自然 演变。然而海平面变化和人类开发活动极大 限制了健康生态系统所需要的空间。如当海 平面上升时,红树林倾向于向陆地迁移,但 是城市化、水产养殖业等人类活动则会阻止 生态系统的迁移,导致红树林宽度逐渐减 小,最终消失。 本次将深入讨论莱茵-默兹河(荷 兰)、湄公河(越南)和伊洛瓦底河(缅 甸)三角洲等不同类型河口海岸的生态空 间挤压问题,主要包括莱茵-默兹河三角洲 的堤防建设、越南湄公河三角洲的水产养 殖、伊洛瓦底河三角洲的红树林过度砍伐 等人类活动对生态系统产生的严重影响和 威胁。 Abstract Coastal and estuarine squeeze is a global issue that needs our serious attention. It touches both on climatic change and other human-induced changes impacting on coasts and estuaries. Natural sand-dune coasts, salt marsh coasts and mangrove coasts are ecosystems that form a transition between the open water and the land. There are both abiotic and biotic arguments to require a certain minimal width for these ecosystems. Energetic conditions require dissipation space to absorb the dissipation, often resulting in retreat, and in this same context vegetation needs to be able to follow a natural cyclic evolution. The sea-level rise and human intervention such as the construction of a sea dike may limit the space that is required for a healthy system. For example, when relative sea-level is rising, mangrove tends to retreat landward. However, blocking due to human activities such as urbanization, agriculture, aquaculture and infrastructure, prevents the ecosystem to retreat, pushing the mangrove into a thinner and thinner layer to finally disappear totally. Also natural estuaries often have either saltmarshes or mangrove along their banks requiring a minimal width. It is not uncommon that along the estuarine banks the construction of sea dikes may limit the space that is required for a healthy system. This contribution to the Forum will discuss the various forms of coastal and estuarine squeeze that we find in the deltas of the Rhine-Meuse (the Netherlands), Mekong (Vietnam) and Ayeyarwady (Myanmar). |