特邀报告人:任南琪,中国工程院院士 Speaker:Ren Nanqi, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering 题目:中国城市水可持续发展对策 Title:Strategy on Sustainable Development of Urban Water Resources in China 时间:2015年5月29日 15:00-15:30 Time:May 29th 2015 15:00 pm -15:30 pm 摘要随着我国社会经济持续快速增长,城 市化进程不断加快,城市人口愈发密集, 工业分布更加集中,导致水资源严重匮 乏,生态环境严重恶化,环境容量超出极 限。在此背景下,如何设定污水处理排放 标准,是否污水处理排放标准越高,环境 质量就越好?根据污水处理全生命周期数 值模拟理论研究及污水资源有效利用,提 出国家应建立针对不同使用功能的污水处 理排放标准,避免污水过度处理和过度浪 费,充分认识污水作为重要水资源的理 念。如何解决中国的城市水资源与水环境 问题?未来城市水系统应是什么样的?建 议充分考虑城市水自然循环和社会循环的 七个单元:水源、自来水厂、生产和生活 使用、污水处理厂、城市内河与人工湿 地、雨水收集系统与海绵体、受纳水体, 发挥具有中国特色的环境污染治理政府主 导作用,以系统工程的理念采取综合整治。 Abstract With the fast progress of urbanization in China, urban population increasingly grows and industry gets more concentrated, which result in serious shortage of water resources, deterioration of the ecological environment and excess of the limit of environmental capacity. How to set up the sewage treatment discharge standards? Whether the higher the sewage treatment discharge standards are, the better environment quality will be? According to the theoretical study of the whole life cycle numerical simulation of sewage treatment and efficient utilization of water resources, it is suggested that the state shall establish different sewage treatment discharge standards for different functions of sewage, to avoid excessive sewage treatment and excessive waste and to fully understand the sewage as the concept of important water resources. How to solve the problem of urban water resources and water environment in China? What kind of the urban water system should be in the future? Fully consideration of seven units, i.e. water sources, water plants, production- and household-use, sewage treatment plants, urban rivers and artificial wetlands, rainwater collection systems and sponges, and receiving water bodies, of the urban water natural cycle and social cycle is recommended. The Chinese government shall take a leading role in the environmental pollution control, and the idea of system engineering shall be adopted in the comprehensive improvement. |