特邀报告人:亚历山大帕尔米耶里,世行首席大坝安全专家 Speaker:Alessandro Palmieri, Lead Dam Specialist of the World Bank 题目:大坝安全和水库可持续发展多目标开发 Title:Dam Safety and Sustainable Multipurpose Reservoirs 时间:2015年5月29日 14:30-15:00 Time: May 29th 2015 14:30 pm -15:00 pm 摘要全世界有超过半数以上的水坝建设在 中国,为了满足各种需要还有许多大坝正 在建设中。国际大坝委员会(ICOLD) 2013年实施了一项在经济发展、环境改变 和社会演变等多方面的具有多重目标的储 水计划(MWPS)。该计划在目前过渡期 间的内容包括:简介、储水功能、多目标 储水计划、MWSP的经济评估、长期发展 计划的需求、机构和采购、工程解决方 案、基本要素和新兴趋势。 典型案例分析表明,水安全主要关注 影响水资源的重要胁迫因子;储水功能更 多考虑水资源系统的恢复力,但其有效性 和经济可行性取决于较多的因子;水工程 循环周期则更多关注水工程和回报之间的 平衡;评估了经济方面的表现力,但忽略 了没有项目实施的支出和间接的经济效 益。可在世界上的不同地方在不同方面阐 述ICOLD的多目标储水计划,这些内容都 可给政策计划、实施和操作者提供有效的 信息,最终提高社会和环境一体化的综合 健康状况。 Abstract Half the dam in the world are in China and many more are being built to meet multiple needs. ICOLD launched a Technical Committee on Multipurpose Water Storage (MPWS) during the Annual Meeting of Seattle, in August 2013, with the following objective: “To recommend essential elements and emerging trends for planning and implementation of multipurpose water storage projects as economies develop, as circumstances change and as societal values evolve”. Current sections of the Interim Bulletin: introduction, the Role of Water Storage, the Multipurpose Water Storage Project, economic Assessment of MWSP, the Need for Long Term Planning, institutional and Procurement Aspects, engineering solutions, essential Elements and Emerging Trends. Regarding the ICOLD Committee on Multipurpose Water Storage, I expect that presentation of different ways of dealing with planning and management of multipurpose water storage projects in different part of the world will provide useful material to planners, developers and operators of such projects for improving their business and integration with society and the environment. |