发布日期:2015-05-29-19:33:48浏览次数:6471字号:[ ]


Speaker:Wang Hao, Academican of Chinese Academy of Engineering


Title:Evolution of Water Cycle and Water Safety Regulation in the Haihe River Basin

时间:2015年5月29日 14:00-14:30

Time:May 29th 2015 14:00 pm -14:30 pm


我国是水循环演变最剧烈、水资源问 题最突出的国家之一,其中又以海河流域 最为严重和典型,水资源短缺、水环境污 染和水生态退化等问题极其严重。通过海 河流域水循环演变机理与水资源高效利用 研究,在流域水循环模拟与调控方面取得 了一系列重要成果:一是揭示了强人类活 动影响下的流域水循环与水资源演变机 理,二是辨析了水循环驱动下的流域水化 学与生态过程演化原理和机制;三是创新 形成了流域“自然-社会”二元水循环及其 伴生过程的综合模拟与预测技术;四是发 现了变化环境下的海河流域水资源与生态 环境演化规律;五是明晰了海河流域多尺 度城市与农业高效用水的机理与路径;六 是提出了海河流域水循环多维临界整体调 控理论、阈值与模式。项目成果已应用于 水利部、环境保护部、国务院南水北调工 程建设委员会办公室、国家林业局等相关 部门及海河流域、相关省(市)的有关规 划和水资源、水环境和生态管理工作,促 进了城市水环境改善,改善了海河流域的 生态环境,取得了显著的经济与社会效 益。


The shortage of water resources, water pollution and ecological degradation in the Hai River Basin are the most serious and typical problems in China. A series of important achievements in the water cycle simulation and regulation are gained by the research on the evolution mechanism of water cycle and efficient utilization of water resources in the Hai River Basin. The water circulation and water resources evolution mechanism in the basin under the effect of strong human activities are revealed; the hydro chemical and ecological evolution principle and mechanism driven by the water circulation in the basin are analyzed; the comprehensive simulation and prediction technique for “nature-society” water cycle and its associated processes is formed; the evolution law of water resources and ecological environment in the Hai River Basin under the changing environment is found; the mechanism of multi-scale urban and agricultural efficient water consumption in the Hai River Basin is clarified; the multi-dimensional critical overall control theory, threshold and mode of water cycle in the Hai River Basin are proposed. Results of this project have been applied to the relevant planning and water resources, water environment and ecological management works in the Ministry of Water Resources, the Ministry of Environmental Protection as well as relevant institutes, with remarkable economic and social benefits achieved.

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