特邀报告人:张建云,中国工程院院士、英国皇家工程院外籍院士 Speaker:Zhang Jianyun, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering and International Fellow of Royal Academy Engineering, the UK 题目:中国防洪形势与应对 Title: of Flood Control Situation and Countermeasures in China 时间:2015年5月29日 11:15-11:45 Time:May 29th, 2015 11:15 am -11:45 am 摘要 从我国特殊地理位置和气候条件出 发,分析了我国暴雨洪水基本特点:汛期 暴雨集中,洪水多发,洪涝范围广,灾害 损失严重;近年来洪涝灾害发生频次有所 增加,单位面积损失和损失绝对值增加, 但相对值明显下降,因灾死亡人数大幅度 下降。客观评价了我国当前防洪情势:大 江大河防洪工程体系基本建成,但一些防 洪工程存在工程隐患,部分防洪规划尚未 实施,且随着国家经济社会快速发展,洪 涝灾害暴露度增加,灾害风险在提升,防 洪减灾任务依然艰巨。此外,我国面广量 大的中小河流尚未完成系统治理,防洪问 题仍十分突出;山洪地质灾害频繁发生, 强台风呈现增加趋势,已成我国主要灾 种。在气候变化大背景下,城市洪涝问题 日益突出。通过城市热岛、雨岛效应分 析,探讨了洪涝防治中管道排水标准、内 河排涝标准及流域防洪标准之间的防御意 义、区别及相互关系;指出海平面上升和 风暴潮增加将直接影响我国沿海防洪情 势,并针对变化环境下防洪存在的突出问 题,提出了对策建议。 Abstract Based on the special geographical location and climate conditions, the basic characteristics of rainstorm flood is analyzed and the flood control situation of the current phase of China is objectively evaluated in this paper. Through more than 60 years of governance, the flood control engineering systems of major rivers in China have been built which play important roles in flood control and disaster mitigation. But hidden problems still exist in some flood control projects, and some of the flood control plans still haven’t been implemented, which would upgrade the exposed degrees and the risk of flood disaster along with the rapid development of economic and social wealth. The tasks of flood control and disaster mitigation are still arduous. In addition, systemic governance hasn’t been finished yet for a large amount of the medium and small rivers, and the flood control problems of these rivers remain prominent. The geological disasters from mountain torrents are frequent and the number of powerful typhoon shows an increasing tendency, which make the flash floods and storm surge the main kinds of disasters in China. Under the background of climate change, urban flood problems are becoming increasingly prominent. It is pointed out that rising sea levels and increased storm tides caused by global warming will also directly affect the flood control situation of coastal areas in China. Finally, specific countermeasures and suggestions are proposed in view of the outstanding problems that exist in the flood control of large rivers, coastal areas and cities in China. |